The Daily Dose, January 11, 2016

A Proverb a day gets you on your way!

Here is the Daily Dose for Monday, January 11, 2016.

It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet. Proverbs 11:12

Silence Is Golden

2211771dc3d9bd3f9526f7e7f5eba55aWe all know people who if talking were an olympic sport would be multiple time gold medalist. They are always willing to talk, talk, talk, talk talk. See them in person they are willing to talk. They are willing to call you on your cell or on your landline just to talk. When they are somewhere that they can’t talk, the resort to text and e-mail just to keep the conversation going. These people can be incredibly funny, informative, amusing, friendly and occasionally dangerous. Yes, dangerous.

The danger with people who are constant talkers is they always need something to talk about. They will talk about the weather. They will talk about current events. They will talk about themselves. Seems harmless enough right. The danger is, when they run out of event, weather, and stories about themselves they will often start to talk about people. They will talk about what they know, what they don’t know, what they think and what they heard, just to keep talking. Seems harmless enough, and could be pretty interesting, but you also have to remember that if they will talk to you, when you’re gone they talk about you.

There are times then you have to stop listening, so they will stop talking. Without an audience, the constant talker finally has to stop talking. There is nobody listening so finally they run out of reasons to talk. So the next time you find a constant talker, remind them, silence is golden and walk away.

Be Blessed,


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