The Daily Dose, January 6, 2016

A Proverb a day gets you on your way!

Here is the Daily Dose of Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do. Proverbs 6:4



Be honest, there is something that you said you would start at the top of the year but six days in you have not started yet. Not only have you not started yet, you haven’t gotten any of the stuff, don’t have plan and have already pushed the start date back to next Monday. You figure, I just need a couple days to get myself together, and I will start fresh on the first full week, after that holiday. That way you can get a fresh start and make a big run at it. The problem is, next Monday is right around the corner an you know that by then there will be another reason, excuse or delay to start again the week after.

There comes a time when you have to just get started. No more planning, no more delays, no more trying to figure it out. Just get started. See what changes people’s lives and changes people, is starting something. It is not the planning. It is not the good intentions. It is not even the big dreams. What makes things happen is getting started. Too often we want everything to be perfect, to be ready, to be just how we want it before we start. Problem is, that will never happen. Perfection, planning, and intending just gives you the excuse to not get started.

Look your only six days behind, don’t worry about it. This year even has an extra day. You can make up for falling behind, but you can’t make up for not starting. So today, just take one step towards what you want to start. Doesn’t have to be a perfect step or a gigantic step. If you take a step and start the rest will begin to fall into place. So what are you waiting for? START!

Be Blessed,


The Daily Dose, January 5, 2016

A Proverb a day gets you on your way!

Here is the Daily Dose for Tuesday, January 5, 2016.

He will die for a lack of self control; he will be lost because of his great foolishness. Proverbs 5:23


Out Of Control

Many of us are just seeking to get a little control of our lives. It is not that everything is so bad, it all just seems a little beyond our control. If we could get the folks at work to do what we said, everything would be fine. If we can get our significant other to stop wilding out and act right, that would fix our relationship. If we could just get our children to do what we say, when we say it, how we say it, that would fix everything. If we could just get the traffic to work in our favor we could get to work, get to our appointments and make all the world better. In short, if we could just control everything, everything would be just perfect.

The only problem is, none of us can control everything. No matter how hard we try, or who we try to manipulate, you simply cant control people or things. Nobody is obligated to do what we say, how we say it or when we say it. Sure it would be our preference, and we think it would make everything better is we could control everything, but it wouldn’t. It would only add one more thing to your plate to be in charge of, and it your honest, there’s plenty on your plate already. So what’s a person to do.

Wise people realize that the only thing they can control is themselves, and many of us don’t do that well. When you learn self control, you learn that life is not about what other people do or don’t do, it is about what you do. The only thing you can truly control are your actions and reactions that the people and things around you. So stop working about what they are doing, or what should be happening and work on making sure that you do the best you can. Once you are under control then it won’t matter if everything else is out of control.

Be Blessed,


The Daily Dose January 4, 2016

A Proverb a day gets you on your way!

Here is the Daily Dose for Monday, January 4, 2016.

Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgement. Proverbs 4:7


This Year

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2016. It is the time we have all been waiting for, the start of the new year. There is something almost magical about the calendar turning from one year to the next. We feel as if we have been refreshed, revived and have a clean slate. Sure things went wrong last year, but this is a new year. Sure, some things were not the way I would have them be last year, but this is a new year. With a new year comes new promise, new attitudes, and new possibilities. We have all said at some point, NEW YEAR, NEW ME!

To become the new us, many of us start off with bold, exciting, New Year’s Resolutions. We have a list of thing that we are going to do differently this year. We are going to eat better this year. We are going to exercise more this year. We are going to read more books and watch less TV this year. We are going to adopt new attitudes and release toxic people this year. We are going to make all the changes this year to make sure that this year is not a repeat of last year. The only problem is, we said the same thing last year. For that matter, we have been saying this for the last few years and somehow it never quite seems to get done.

For this year to be different, you have to make a decision before you make any resolutions. Before you make a single resolution, decide that this year you will make wise choices and use good judgement. You see, most of the resolutions we make boil down to making better choices. We want to choose to eat healthy not junky. We want to choose to be more active as opposed to laying on the couch. We want to better judge who is for us and who is against us. So before you make another resolution, decide that this year you are going to pursue wisdom and use good judgement. Then the rest will fall into place.

Be Blessed,
